Who Am I?

Welcome to the first of many, many miles with myself, Morgan Rogers. I would first like to say, I am so blessed. By any description of who I am, it can easily be inferred that I have been given an amazing life with extraordinary people in it. I am a freshman at East Tennessee State University majoring in Health Science with a concentration in Microbiology and am part of the Presidential Honors Community Service Scholars program. For this program and the Honors Colloquium class, I am required to keep a blog of the next four glorious years at ETSU. My first blog is just a little information as to who I am.
I have been very active for my whole life -- active in sports, active in school, active in music, active in church-- all thanks to my relentless parents. I started playing volleyball when I was very young because of my sister's love for the game and have not stopped since. From elementary school to high school, I have been in every school team and travel team I could find. This sport has taught me to be a stronger person physically and mentally. I am also in love with music, specifically bluegrass. I have played fiddle as long as I can remember and have been in orchestras and ensembles in the past. I am now in a bluegrass band that plays in televised shows and local events.
I have recently become very involved in my church's mission groups. I just finished a mission trip to Nicaragua in June with the seniors in my youth group. I was immediately drawn to the mission field and those people in Nicaragua. I will for sure continue travelling to those countries to reach people with God's love.

I have been given a life of excitement and opportunity that I will not take for granted. I hope that God uses me in all walks of life however He needs me. I am excited for this next chapter in my life!


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